Sesame Seed

    Sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum) are tiny oil-rich seeds derived from the flowering sesame plant, native to Africa and cultivated widely across tropical and subtropical regions. They come in various colors, including white, black, and brown, and are known for their nutty flavor and crunchy texture. Sesame seeds are widely used in culinary traditions around the world, from garnishing bread and pastries to being a key ingredient in sauces and dressings.


    1. Nutrient-Rich Superfood: Sesame seeds are packed with essential nutrients including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. These minerals are vital for maintaining bone health, supporting immune function, and contributing to overall well-being.
    2. Heart Health: Rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, sesame seeds help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. They also contain sesamin and sesamolin, compounds known for their antioxidant properties that promote cardiovascular health.
    3. Digestive Health: Sesame seeds are a good source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion, prevents constipation, and supports a healthy gut microbiome.
    4. Antioxidant Powerhouse: Loaded with antioxidants such as lignans and vitamin E, sesame seeds help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
    5. Blood Sugar Control: Sesame seeds have a low glycemic index, meaning they release glucose into the bloodstream slowly. This helps stabilize blood sugar levels and can be beneficial for individuals managing diabetes.
    6. Skin and Hair Health: The high zinc content in sesame seeds supports collagen production, contributing to healthy skin and hair. Additionally, the moisturizing properties of sesame oil derived from the seeds are used in skincare products.
    7. Bone Health: Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium, which is crucial for maintaining strong and healthy bones, preventing osteoporosis, and promoting bone mineral density.
  • Cashew Nut

    Cashew nuts are the seeds of the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale), a tropical evergreen tree native to Brazil but widely cultivated in Nigeria and other tropical regions. They are prized for their rich, buttery flavor and creamy texture, making them a popular ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes.


    1. Nutrient-Rich: Cashew nuts are packed with essential nutrients, including protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, such as magnesium, copper, and zinc.
    2. Heart Health: The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in cashew nuts may help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
    3. Weight Management: Despite being calorie-dense, cashew nuts can aid in weight management due to their high protein and fiber content, which helps promote satiety and prevent overeating.
    4. Bone Health: Cashew nuts are a good source of minerals like magnesium and phosphorus, which are important for maintaining strong and healthy bones.
    5. Blood Sugar Control: The fiber and protein in cashew nuts can help stabilize blood sugar levels, making them a suitable snack option for individuals with diabetes.
    6. Antioxidant Properties: Cashew nuts contain antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress.
    7. Skin and Hair Health: The vitamins and minerals in cashew nuts contribute to healthy skin and hair, promoting collagen production and preventing premature aging.


  • Natural Cocoa Cake

    Natural Cocoa Cake Origin: Hailing from regions renowned for superior cocoa production, our Natural Cocoa Cake originates from select cocoa plantations where premium-quality cocoa seeds are cultivated with care and expertise.

    What it is: Natural Cocoa Cake is the result of pressing cocoa liquor, yielding a dense mass of solids with a low cocoa butter content. These solids are then finely ground into small pieces, preserving the essence of cocoa in its purest form.


    1. Baking Marvels: Incorporate our Natural Cocoa Cake into your baking creations, from moist chocolate cakes and fudgy brownies to delectable cookies and indulgent desserts, imparting rich cocoa flavor and depth.
    2. Beverage Enhancement: Elevate your hot beverages with a spoonful of our Cocoa Cake, enhancing the flavor and aroma of your favorite hot chocolate, coffee, or smoothie recipes.
    3. Dessert Masterpieces: Create decadent desserts like chocolate truffles, mousses, and ice creams with the velvety texture and intense cocoa taste of our Cocoa Cake, tantalizing your taste buds with every spoonful.
  • Gum Arabic

    Gum Arabic: Nature’s Versatile Emulsifier

    Gum Arabic, sourced from the resin of perennial trees cultivated predominantly in Nigeria and selected African countries, stands as a prized commodity with high commercial value. Known for its adhesive properties and multifaceted applications, Gum Arabic plays a vital role across various industries, both locally and internationally.


    Uses of Gum Arabic:

    1. Thickener and Stabilizer: Gum Arabic serves as a natural thickener and stabilizer in various food and beverage products, enhancing texture and prolonging shelf life.
    2. Emulsifier: With its emulsifying properties, Gum Arabic facilitates the blending of ingredients that would otherwise separate, ensuring uniformity in formulations.
    3. Flavor Carrier: Due to its neutral taste and odor, Gum Arabic acts as an ideal carrier for flavors and fragrances, dispersing them evenly throughout products.
    4. Binder: Its binding properties make Gum Arabic invaluable in industries such as pharmaceuticals, where it helps hold ingredients together in tablets and capsules.
    5. Encapsulating Material: Gum Arabic is utilized in encapsulation processes to protect sensitive substances, such as vitamins and minerals, from degradation and improve their stability.
    6. Confectionery and Cosmetics: Widely employed in confectionery and cosmetic formulations, Gum Arabic contributes to the texture, appearance, and overall quality of products.

    Embrace the versatility of Gum Arabic and unlock its potential across various industries, from food and beverages to pharmaceuticals and beyond. With its natural properties and wide-ranging applications, Gum Arabic continues to be a staple ingredient in countless products worldwide.

  • Charcoal

    Charcoal: Nature’s Efficient Fuel

    Charcoal, primarily derived from tropical woods and occasionally coconut shells, serves as a versatile and cost-effective fuel source. Produced through a process known as carbonization, where wood is burnt at high temperatures in the absence of air, charcoal offers numerous advantages and applications.

    Advantages of Charcoal:

    1. Cost-Effective Cooking: Charcoal provides an affordable cooking alternative for communities in developing regions where access to modern fuel sources like cooking gas or electricity is limited.
    2. Renewable Resource: Despite its intensive production process, charcoal production can be sustainable when managed responsibly, as new trees can be planted to replace those harvested.
    3. High Heat Output: Charcoal burns at high temperatures, making it ideal for grilling, barbecuing, and other cooking methods that require intense heat.
    4. Long Burning Time: Charcoal burns slowly and steadily, allowing for extended cooking sessions without the need for constant refueling.
    5. Versatile Use: Apart from cooking, charcoal finds applications in industries such as metallurgy, agriculture (as a soil amendment), and water purification.
  • Bitter Kola Nut

    Kola nut is the seed of the kola tree, scientifically known as Cola acuminata or Cola nitida. It is native to the tropical rainforests of Africa and is commonly used as a flavoring ingredient in beverages due to its caffeine content. Kola nut is also valued for its cultural significance in many West African countries, where it is often used in traditional ceremonies, social gatherings, and rituals.

    Originating from the lush tropical rainforests of Africa, the kola nut is a prized gem obtained from the kola tree. Rich in caffeine, it lends its distinct flavor to a myriad of beverages. Fondly known as “cola,” this nut contains stimulants like caffeine and theobromine, making it a popular choice for various applications.

    Recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe for human consumption, kola nut extract holds the status of a natural food flavoring. Additionally, the FDA has approved kola extract for use as an inactive ingredient in specific pharmaceutical formulations.

    Versatile Uses of Kola Nut:

    In the western world, kola nut extract finds its way into the production of an array of beverage drinks, energy boosters, cosmetics like beauty soaps and creams, chewing gums, and delectable sweets. Its invigorating properties make it a sought-after ingredient for enhancing flavors and providing a natural energy boost.

    However, its significance transcends borders and cultures. In Nigeria and numerous West African countries, the kola nut is deeply ingrained in traditional hospitality, social ceremonies, and cultural rituals. It symbolizes warmth, friendship, and communal unity, often shared as a gesture of goodwill during gatherings and celebrations.

  • Natural and Alkalized Cocoa Powder

    Cocoa powder is derived from cocoa beans grown in pods on the cacao tree. After a process of fermentation, drying, roasting, and cracking, the beans are ground to extract cocoa butter, resulting in a dark brown paste known as chocolate liquor. Subsequent drying and grinding yield the familiar powder form, known as unsweetened cocoa.

    Health Benefits of Cocoa Powder:

    • Diabetes Management: Rich in flavanols, cocoa powder aids in improving insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.
    • Hypertension Control: Abundant in antioxidants, cocoa powder promotes vasodilation, thus lowering blood pressure.
    • Enhanced Brain Function: Cocoa powder’s epicatechin compound supports increased circulation and the growth of blood vessels, leading to improved cognition and memory.
    • Cancer Prevention: High concentrations of catechins and procyanidins in cocoa powder offer protective effects against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, reducing cancer risks.
    • Improved Sexual Performance: Cocoa powder boosts nitric oxide production, facilitating better blood flow for enhanced erectile function in men.
    • Relief from Menstrual Cramps: Natural theobromine and alkaloids in cocoa powder help alleviate pain and discomfort during menstrual periods.
  • Shea Butter & Shea Nuts

    Extracted from the nuts of the shea tree, shea butter is a versatile fat with an off-white or ivory color, solidifying at warm temperatures. Indigenous to West Africa, the region remains a primary source of shea butter worldwide.

    For centuries, shea butter has been prized in cosmetics for its rich concentration of vitamins and fatty acids, offering exceptional skin-smoothing, soothing, and conditioning properties.

    At DabuchiAgro, we supply and export Nigeria-grade Shea Butter & Shea Nuts to international buyers across the globe.


    Moringa seeds are the seeds derived from the Moringa oleifera tree, often referred to as the “miracle tree” or “drumstick tree.” These seeds are found within the long pods of the Moringa tree and are known for their numerous health benefits and nutritional value.

    Moringa seeds are valued for their efficacy in addressing various health concerns such as asthma, diabetes, obesity, menopausal symptoms, weight loss, digestive issues, and more.


    1. Medicinal Benefits: Packed with antioxidants, they’re traditionally used to alleviate inflammation, fight microbes, and relieve pain, aiding in conditions like asthma, diabetes, arthritis, and digestive issues.
    2. Nutritional Boost: Rich in vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, they’re often included in dietary supplements to enhance overall health.
    3. Cosmetic Aid: Their nourishing qualities make them ideal for skincare products, aiding in skin rejuvenation, collagen production, and reducing signs of aging.
    4. Water Clarification: With natural coagulants, they’re effective in purifying water by eliminating impurities and pathogens, particularly beneficial in areas with limited access to clean water.
    5. Culinary Delight: Edible and versatile, they can be roasted, fried, or incorporated into various dishes, lending a nutty flavor and boosting nutritional value in soups, stews, salads, and more.

    Contact us for supply.


    BITTER KOLA NUTS: Bitter Kola, scientifically known as Garcinia Kola, is a flowering plant native to the tropical rainforest regions of central and west Africa. It has been utilized for centuries in traditional African medicine due to its various medicinal properties found in its fruit, seeds, nuts, and bark.

    Uses of Bitter Kola: Bitter Kola, beyond its role in traditional African medicine, finds application in the food industry and pharmaceutical sector. It serves as a key ingredient in the production of drugs, soft drinks, and energy beverages.



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